7 Fashion Rules You Should Break At Least Once

Life’s too short to avoid risks. Call the man you like, follow the career you desire, cut your hair or change your style.

Fashion has its rules, but sometimes you should break them. At least once, take that risk. Well, some risks you should avoid, but others you should take.

Sandals with socks

Yeah, I think is horror, but no, that’s not! No need to choose any pair of sandals. The top covered jelly sandals are perfect. Be creative and choose crazy colors!

Combine different prints

It’s a real art to combine prints. First, look for different prints but with similar colors.

Choose to wear yellow even if you have white skin

It is said that girls with white skin shouldn’t wear yellow. But you can try variations of mustard yellow or pastel yellow. Wear it with navy blue, rust or intense green shades.

Denim with denim

I don’t know who introduced the rule that you aren’t allowed to wear denim skirt with a denim shirt, but this rule must be violated.

Blue and black

People are skeptical to combine these two colors because they are quite similar and they cancel each other. Why don’t you try to wear an electric blue blouse with a pair of black pants? Chic!

Pink on red heads

Dear red heads dare to wear pink. If your hair is deep red hue, wear pink pastel hue and if your hair is copper shaded try to wear neon pink.

Clothes for another season

Autumn and spring weather is a bit strange because temperatures vary greatly, so you can try to combine a pair of shorts with a sweater. There is not such a big deal.

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