The Effects of Exercise on Your Skin

Exercise is important for a healthy mind and body, but is it important for your skin? Well, yes, but you need to make sure that you are taking proper care of your skin at the same time. Here are some things to consider before working out and how to manage them:

  1. Sweat can clog your pores and make you break out. To avoid this, be sure to wear breathable cotton clothing, shower right after you work out and change into dry clothes ASAP!
  2. If you exercise outdoors, you could be getting sun damage. Make sure to apply SPF 30 or higher 15 minutes before you exercise outdoors. Reapply often if you are getting wet or sweating. Be sure to apply your Recapture 360 before heading out the door.
  3. If you exercise and don’t rehydrate properly, this can lead to dehydration and show on your skin! Dehydrated skin looks dull, dry and damaged. So, make sure you drink enough water when you work out.

Here are the benefits exercise has on your skin:

  1. Regular exercise can make you look younger! Not only does exercise make you feel younger, but regular exercise can impact your skin’s thickness and elasticity. Skin naturally loses elasticity as you age and can lead to sagginess and wrinkles, but exercise can help you stay firm and young looking for a longer period of time.
  2. Cardio helps flush the body of toxins and gets cells the vitamins and minerals they need. This, in turn, helps your skin stay moisturized, healthy and glowing!
  3. Regular exercise can keep your skin toned and younger looking. You can even try some facial exercises to keep your face extra toned.

Did you know the good and bad effects of exercise? What are your favorite exercises to do? Share with us!

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